Well, I've been out all weekend, and as such, haven't done any revision for the two upcoming end of semester exams on wednesday and thursday. The first one is the one that I'm most concerned about, so I'll be doing some massive cramming sessions over the next few days. Once they're both done though, I've only then got two more - one exam every week for two weeks - which is sick. So my next blog post should hopefully be up on thursday afternoon or friday if I've found something interesting to blog about.
For now, all I can say is that one should be keeping a close eye on the upcoming Sea Serpent Structure Deck as it looks to be able to vomit cards onto the field and recycle them with ease. Not to mention they have a searcher (stratos-esque effect) as well. While they may have all the nifty tricks, I have no idea atm how consistent they'll be based on the cards seen so far. But I DO reckon they'll make an impression - at least in the OCG anyway. Time will tell I guess.
Also I just read this post by Mike and I must say that I was thoroughly impressed with this overview.
Really makes you consider the value of the timing of played cards and questions your generic playstyle in yugioh. Definitely a good read for anyone who wants to improve their gaming mentality, me included.
*First short post ftw*
Till next time, this is DEFER signing out
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