Friday, May 11, 2012

Mystic Piper Chaos

Firstly, I'd like to give a shoutout to a fellow blogger named Mike Bonacini at For those of you who are not familiar with his blog, his posts are great reads and he's been on a hiatus for about 6 months, but now he's back into the blogosphere which is great news. He was the main inspiration for me making my blog, so all credit to him. And now, onwards.

A couple of my friends have been pretty keen to grab this decklist off me. It's nothing special. If it's not the exact build of the guy who topped with it, it'll only be 1 or 2 cards off. The main reason I didn't really change anything was because I felt it ran quite well and I enjoyed it alot. A change of one or two cards could disrupt the flow of the deck. Anyway, here's the decklist:

The deck is really self-explanatory. I was amazed at how something like this didn't get more notice beforehand. I remember pulling an OCG one a while back and just heard everyone saying "Oh yeah he's good", "That's deck's not bad", and I was like "well, how exactly?". When this topped I was pleased to say the least, as a deck like this has so many options at its disposal. And decks such as this really provide tons of enjoyment as you think and plan your ways through duels, and hopefully turn that into wins.

Looking at the deck though, one can only imagine how much the 2 mained D.D. Crows came in handy. They really are a great tech which also greatly benefit from being drawn via Piper's effect, allowing for more potentials draws. Three more veilers and a maxx c add to the massive Fuck You coming your way. And to round off the non-core aspect of the deck, two wisel really mess your opponent around. They'll spend so much time trying to get rid of them and the trags, the chaos monsters and tour guides should finish them off. And if you haven't noticed already, banish piper for chaos monster => tour guide => leviair => bring back a piper => tribute draw 1 or more. Thank you for coming.

As I said, the deck runs simply but isn't too linear, which is what I hate in decks as I feel they restrict my playstyle choices too much. Cyber dragon and rai-oh provide a great amount of control and allow you to push from the word "go" by being able to run over monsters and forcing your opponent to waste removal on them early. It runs a nice balance of big monsters alongside the combo monsters. Spells are generic aside from the avarice which is just for more resources. Mind control will be even more important now with photon strike bounzer being released to negate your stuff. So now, all you have to do is mind control it for the turn, and then overlay it for Gaia Dragon and laugh at your opponent. And the last little gem is obviously creature swap. It can definitely be game-changing to bring down a smaller monster and swapping it for a grapha, HERO fusion, the list goes on.

With Wan-Chan coming up for release in the TCG, there's no knowing how it will affect this deck. The ability to tutor any one of your main combo monsters straight out of your deck could prove to be game-changing.
"If you control a face-up Level 1 monster: Add 1 Level 1 monster from your Deck to your hand. During the End Phase, if you did not Normal Summon a card with the same name as the added monster this turn, you take 2000 damage"

And you're likely going to end up summoning it anyway, unless it's veiler of course. In which case I wouldn't mind paying 2000 for a veiler. Your opponent knows they can't go off, while you're still gaining advantage off piper next turn. They HAVE to do something. I haven't tried Wan-Chan!? in the deck yet, but it seems as if it'll have potential. The question is "how many do I run". No idea there, sorry. I would imagine running 1 and possibly 2 max. 3 seems way over the top but don't hold me to that. The consistency that it could add to the deck might be more impressive than you may think. The only other issue is deck space. There really isn't much to work with, so making space may prove more detrimental than helpful, but I'm sure there's room for at least one copy. The only card that I've sometimes seen being stuck as a dead card is avarice. But when it goes off, you usually have so many cards in your hand + a chaos monster, and you're good to go from there. Additionally 4 chaos monsters does sometimes prove to be a bit of a pain, but with a bit of proper set-up and thought, they DO pay off.

Once the TCG eventually get Constellar Ptolemys Messier 7, shit will go down. And it won't happen that often in this deck, but when it does, be prepared to win. A free re-use of any of the monsters in your grave is a great bonus.

So, give this deck a go and see what it does for you.

Till next time, this is DEFER signing out.


  1. Nice analysis of a great deck!

  2. Cheers for your comment mate. Means I know whether people are enjoying reading what I'm posting up.

  3. i've been looking for an analysis or actually thoughts of others about this deck.
    i'm actually playing this deck for months and i just want to know what peoples think about it.

    actually, changing cards in the deck won't disrupt the flow of the deck. this deck is actually very versatile, and no doubt, it's totally a skill-based deck. My deck actually don't contain of any Tourguide(Actually, i wish to use it but I'm in OCG area), but it still works very well. Verz Mandrago and Photon Thrasher work well in the deck since your hand is always full with cards and you don't wish to discard them in the End Phase.

    Wanchan?! is a card that I think has potential in this deck while I first saw it, but after hundreds of test-duel, I think I only get to use it for very few times.

    This is a nice post to "advertised" this deck, but you still need to work more in the analysis

  4. I don't like giving out ALL the tricks of a deck, because half of the fun is figuring out how a deck works best for you ;)

    As I said, I haven't toyed with the line-up at all really, so it's nice to know that it can take alternate routes in terms of playstyle and card choices.

    Maybe Wanchan?! will be nice as a 1-of tech then.
